Future Trends of Direct Drive Motor
Future Trends of Direct Drive Motor
2019-07-24 00:00:00
Electric motors are expected to surpass 2.25 billion units by 2024 globally.
Much of the modern manufacturing industry today is dominated by the use of machinery. Machines hasbeen able to provide speed and precision to production and assembly lines, allowing for products to be made faster and better. The most important machine that is helping with all the tasks are motors. The two most common motors that are being used are linear motors and rotary motors.
Now there is even linear rotary motors for high precision jobs, made possible by Goal Technology.
The industry for electric motors is currently one of the most stable worldwide,with a compounded annual growth rate of 7.9%. The global electric motor market was at USD126.9 billion in 2018 and it is expected to reach over USD200 billion by 2025. North America has shown steady growth in this market every year andthey are expected to hit the USD30 billion point by 2025. The chart below shows the market growth of North America motors in recent years and the future.
[Motor sales growth within United States]
The Asia market, especially China and India, expects even more growth and is projected to hit the USD80 Billion mark by 2025. These two countries will account for almost 40% of the global motor industry.
The product that is having the largest impact in this field is actually a newer type of producton the market, the Brushless Direct Drive Motor.
Brushless Direct Drive Motor
A brushless direct drive motor is an electric motor powered by direct current (DC). Even though it is more expensive than standard electric or brushed motor, it has many advantages over its predecessor. Most notably, a brushless motor has better performance and suffers less wear than brushed motors of similar size.
In a traditional brushed motor, a magnet ismounted on a rotor, sitting between two magnets set in ahorseshoe configuration, collectively called the stator. When power is fed to the magnet, the armmoves, aligning the north and south poles of the electromagnet with theopposing poles of the stator. The magnet would remain frozen in position if itcould not change polarity. To keep the motor turning, the direction of the electric current must be switched. Changing the current flips the poles of the electro magnet, causing the rotor to continue its spin, polarity must change back and forth rapidly in order to create constant spin.
A change of current is accomplished by brushes, which are mounted on the armature near theaxle. As the armature spins, the brushes alternately connect with a contact point on the axle. This contact point is connected to a power source. Byspinning the brushes around the contact point, the current rapidly changesdirection, switching the polarity of the electromagnet. Brushed motors arecheaper to produce, but they have a much lower lifespan due to the design. Thebrushes wear out from rubbing against the contact point and axle. Friction producedfrom the contact will also affect the performance of the motor.
The brushless motor is design in the opposite way. Electromagnets are placed on the statorand are surrounded by one or more magnets. The current switch is controlled bycomputer or a motor controller. No other parts are required for the motor tofunction and none of the parts are in contact, producing no friction. All ofthis makes the brushless motor considerably more powerful than brushed motorsof a similar size. Brushless motors have superior control, precision,efficiency and are quieter. In larger models where overheating may be an issue,they are easier to cool and there have no brushes to wear out.
[Small Brushless DC Motor]
The motors are,however, much more expensive than brushed motors and tend to be used only whereadvantage outweighs cost.
Electric Vehicles
Currently, thesales of direct drive is still at a all time, even with the high price, becauseof two main markets, robotics and electric vehicles. Electric vehicles willlikely be the field that will push this product forward until, at least, 2024.Direct Drive motors are a critical component of electric vehicles because theyare powered by electricity and they need motors to provide power to their forwheels.
[DirectDrive Motor within Electric Vehicles]
DD motors are thebest at providing torque or power, so it is the best solution for cars to startup and run smoothly without any lag. They are also the best type of motor whenit comes to control, allowing for easy starting and quick stopping, which isreally important for the safety of vehicles.
Major companieswithin the automobile industry are continuously aiming at increasing theproduction of these vehicles. For example, Volkswagen plans to accomplish 2-3million electric car sales by 2025, with many other companies that share thesame or even higher goals. This industry alone is projected to be responsiblefor almost 80% of the DD motor industry.
The rest of themarket is expected to be occupied by robotics, or by extension, themanufacturing industry. Production and manufacturing is at an all time for manymarkets and manufactures are now looking for new ways to improve efficiency.The truth is automation is much more efficient then human labour because theminimize mistakes and maximizes working hours. That is why many companies are producingrobotics to help with automation on an assembly line, and the one most commonlyseen is the robotic arm.
[Roboticsused on Assembly Line]
This relates to DD motors because each armhas multiple moving joints and every single joint is powered by a DD motor.Again this motor is instrumental to this field because the robotic arms requireprecise control and high torque to complete the task they are designed for.Currently, the DD motor is the only product on the market that can provide thisservice and still have a long lifespan. That is why, even with a higher thenaverage price, their value continues to grow.
Goal Technology,through research and development has been able to produced their own line of DDmotors. Although, it may seem similar to many other companies in design, it hasadvantages that are unmatched by others. The technology and design has already been patented within China. When compared to other companies, the motor is able to produce torque that matches any other company but at the same time be more light weight and conserve more energy.
This motor is currently being paired withan industrial fan to be used as a HVAC solution. The motor is proven to be ableto perform at a level of providing enough torque to power 5 meter wideindustrial fans but also only use 300 watts of power per hour.
[Goal Technology DD Motor Design]
With this innovative design and flexible production, this motor can be paired to work in many different fields. Depending on the clients need, a solution can be designed specifically to meet their demands and build a strong partnership for the future.